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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I was rereading my blog today and started laughing! I made my husband seem so sinister! If you knew the man you know that I think I was speaking with anger. Which still comes up from time to time! I forgot to tell everyone when I found out I was ill we had our divorced reversed and he offered me his insurance coverage. We still live separately, see each other almost daily, and get along very well---as long as we do not live together. So no the man isn't just all bad! People ask me am I married....in the technical sense yes, but in the "real sense" NO! We have been married legally for 10 yrs. going on 11! So not all bad comes from this man. I could tell you that not all those years were bad but, there were more bad than good. So if my "husband" is reading this too I am sorry for portraying you as the bad person. It works both ways. I gave up on our marriage the same way you cheated on me. So I think we are the same.
In saying that I want to say "WELCOME TO A NEW DAY!"
My life has been renewed and refreshed by this journey. Someone ask me today what my secret to weight loss was. I told them a few thing that I felt to be important.
1. Taking baby steps in your journey. Don't be in a rush to get to be a healthier you. If you do you probably will regain your weight for not having gotten the "full" journey and life change.
2. It isn't a diet. It is a life style change! I can not stress that enough. I am not on any diet. I am changing the way I eat and the way I shop, the way I prepare my food.
3.Get up and move! You must be active! If not you will not tone or tighten your body. Lean muscle mass burns more calories that fat does. So as long as you incorporate some strength training into your workouts you will keep burning calories all day long.
I have been on this journey for a total of almost 8 months. Having lost a grand total of 81 pounds. That is like 9-10lbs a month. My doctor tells me that a realistic goal of 5lbs a month is a healthy weight loss goal. Dropping large amounts of weight rapidly can be damaging to you organs as well as the body. I would be happy just losing a pound! As long as I know it will never return!
I have learned alot from alot of different sources. Some doctors, other trained professionals, some fellow journey seekers (as myself.) Knowledge is a large pool! I lucky enough to be able to swim in it!
I am going to try to keep up daily again and post some quick tips and notes for those who keep asking me. Again, I am not a professional by any sense but I am learning and feel really good about the road I am on. Confidence is the key to everything! If you have no confidence in yourself then you will fail yourself over and over again. Believe you can! You will achieve! Thank you to everyone for the words of encouragement! Those are the fuel to my soul and the drive that I need to keep me going when I feel like I just can't go anymore! Till tomorrow....keep smiling, you are beautiful, and keep moving forward!!!

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