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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello again!
I have neglected my blog for some time now because of family problems. I found out my brother had stage 2 lymphoma and my father has been in and out of the er. The last week. They can not find out what is wrong with him. Some say sludge in gallbladder, the other say it's liver, and another say intestinal problems. So we don't know. He says someone cast a spell on him! (jokingly of course) None the less my life has been torn upside down. I had a weigh-in since the last time I blogged and I only lost seven pounds. Bringing the grand total to 74lbs gone forever! ;D Good for me.
Somehow it doesn't seem enough. I need a total of 7 more pounds to reach my personal goal! I hope to achieve that this month! I go to the doctor tomorrow for a pre-surgery consult. I have to schedule an exam called an e.g.g. It is only a scope ran thru my throat. To check for any obstructions. Then next month go in for my white light scan. I don't look forward in doing that. Being naked in public whether or not they can see me just isn't my fortay!
My physical activities have came to a halt these last couple of weeks. Going to and from the doctors with my brother and then my father was just too much for me.
I would come home late and tired. So I didn't attend the water aerobics class or the shimmy class. I have been on the go. Now that I can finally breathe again think I'll go tomorrow back to the water aerobics class. I actually miss it! It would wind me down for the night. As strange as that may sound.
Then if matters didn't seem bad I lost a good friend of mine named Dottie. She was in a small group my other friend Karen started. (To help each other out on our bad days and give each other recipe ideas. Lots of other stuff.) I miss her! I used to chat with her every morning or so and she and I understood each other on so many levels. We were both the same size. Now she is an angel in heaven. She died from a clot.I suppose a coronary embolism. Not sure?
I started drinking cokes again. Very bad habit. It came back when I was super thirsty and had nothing to drink except my moms root beer. Well one thing led to another and no I am finding myself drinking at least one everyday again. Got to kick the habit AGAIN! So I started today....no cokes or carbonated beverages at all! Good for me!
As for the food it has become second nature to me now. I've learned to shop more wisely and efficiently. Even when I am not in my comfort zone I am seeing myself making excellent meal choices. Maybe that is why despite missing the physical activity I still lost a few pounds. I am not sure if that is it but I am grateful anyways! Well it is getting very late and I am tired from all the running around.
So I think I am about to go turn in for the night! Good night friends! Hope your diet and journey are doing better than I am!!!!

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