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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Friday, May 28, 2010

Today I ran into an old friend of mine! I mean really old friend. I think it had been something like 15years since I have seen this person. Boy oh boy did I feel small. Being the weight that I am now and running into someone who knew me when I as thin made me feel small. I don't ever want to feel like that again. I think I had this picture in my head of what I look like to people. I fooled myself into believing that I looked ok for a fat girl. How could I think I looked ok at 481? Or even no at 416? How can anyone get so comfortable with a way of life like I live? I left seeing this person pretty beat up inside. It was wonderful to see that person after all this time but it left me in a low spot. What was I thinking I tell myself sitting in my van crying and looking in the mirror. Don't get me wrong that person was very respectful and caring as usual but I could see the expression on their face when they looked at me. Again as if to say look how big you have become. I felt the disappointment and rejection of society all over again. This time not by society's hand but my own. How could I think having a "pretty face" could make up for the enormous body I carry around day in and out? I feel emotionally drained.
You know I have some amazing friend on face book who are encouraging me. We kind of help each other out when we are having bad days, or not. Even good days with recipes, advice, or just chat. I am usually the one full of encouraging words and advice, but today all my words just ran from my mouth! I feel like I disappointed myself! I think a revelation just occurred to me! One of my friends wants to do the six day intervention counselling like they did with Ruby. I think about now that is sounding more and more appealing to me.
I allowed myself get to a point where I was going to no return. If I didn't get cancer and was made to diet, I probably would of died a short and sad little life. I say little because it wouldn't have lasted longer than a couple of more years. I thank God people, Yes thank God for giving me cancer! It was and is my wake up call!
I will never in my life be this overweight person! I will not abuse the body that God gave me! I will learn to take care of it more diligently and skillfully.
Eating is my major problem! I have the physical fitness down! Now I must learn to control the eating habits I have created for myself. Changing 37 years of bad eating habits isn't as easy as going on a diet! No in fact that isn't the answer to any of my problems! Yes it helps me shed the pounds, however I must tackle the emotional side of the monster.
Now more than ever I will do so and you can help me thru my journey if you'd like. I think it started when I was 13 years old. I had my first little boyfriend. I don't think I'd ever forget him. He was a nice boy from a nice home. My parents didn't know because I never told them. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. I was raised in a strict household. My step mother to me might have well been Adolf Hitler. She was the meanest mother on this earth to me. Someone told me she treated me mean because I reminded her so much of my biological mother. I don't think that was ever the case. She later told me she was too young when she and my father wed. She never expected to be an instant mother of 2. so she really didn't know what to do with us except for what she was taught growing up. Her story is probably ten times worse than mine. She came from foster care so you can imagine. Any way, hating my mother and sneaking around school with this boy made me have issues with eating. I would sneak into the kitchen after dinner and eat whatever I could find in the fridge. I would also wake up in the middle of the night and sneak into the kitchen for a bite. That is where I started.
Where I really began to have serious problems with the weight was with my pregnancy with my son Cordell. Already overweight, then bed ridden for 4 months did not help my matter at all. I gained a total of seventy five pounds with him. Then shortly after the birth of my son I found out my husband was having an affair.
Talk about turning to food! I literally felt isolated and ugly. So the only thing that comforted me was the food. I had no one again to tell my troubles to. So I stuck it out. We moved to Channelview then. I dropped fifteen pounds when we moved. Made a new friend and learned to trust my husband again. I maintained the weight for another year then had a set back again. Again my husband cheated on me. This time with the friend I had made.It was a double betrail. It really shocked the hell out of me because I never in a million years had expect that to happen with her! She was old enough to be my mother! Still I actually walked in on them have sex. How's that for trauma? I kicked him out and stayed in my home for one more year drowning in sorrow and self pity. Packing on another fifty pounds. This happened until I met this absolute fabulous person who showed me that I counted for something! This person cared enough to pick me up and dust me off. This person stood me back on my own two feet and placed a mirror in front of me and said look at yourself! I did! I saw many things that day! I saw a broken heart, tear stained face and a frown! No happiness left and no hope for myself.
Then I really looked deeper...Then and only then did I see the beautiful full figured woman that this person could look at and smile. I was pretty and my feelings and heart did matter! But as I stood before my really long ago friend today...
I saw that frown come back. I need to remind myself that the beautiful person is still there. She is just beneath the layers that need to melt away from me. I do not want to go back to this depressed state of being and so I choose to see that beautiful person I saw five years ago in that mirror. I will work to see her more clearly everyday. I will love me no matter what I look like and who sees me! Because we are worth being loved. I know I am!
With saying all this I know I have just bearly scratched my surface and yet I have a long way to go. It is days like today that make me appreciate the journey I am on now. To see myself crying all over again because of what people thought of me I can bear no more of. I am changing who I am inside as well as out and I need to keep reminding myself that no matter what size I am, I am still me! Lovable, emotional, and full life! I am sorry about today's blog! I know that it may be personal but I need to get some of this out so I don't repeat my same mistakes.
I will write more about the issues of my husband at a later time for I know that there is the route of the problem. For now this is all I care to share. Keep on the track no matter what life throws at you!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today was a good day for my physical activities and diet. I was under 500 cals and ate all the required foods. My knee hurt in the morning during workout time but I bit the bullet and kept going.
The more my movement comes back to me the more the knee acts up. So I am finding it inevitable that I must see the ortho doctor now. I was hoping to put it off til after surgery but I need this knee well. I ant to start a water aerobics class here at the apartment complex I live at during summertime. I know I have seen quite a few people around here that could benefit from such a class. I have spoke to the local ymca about joining efforts with me and they have agreed as long as I can get the approval of the complex manager. I don't know know how that will go but I am diving in head first! The longer I stay on this journey the more I find myself compelled to help others in the same situation I was in and still am fighting. Helping your neighbor , your friend, or even a loved one can be beneficial to both you and that person. So find like Kirstie Alley calls a chubby buddy and work out! Get moving even if it is just 5 minutes a day. By the time you know it you'll have walked a marathon! I am moved to help and be helped I hope there are more people out there like me! Motivated enough to help someone else and so forth. We can no longer be the unhealthiest generation ever! Let's fight together!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I had a long weekend! I seriously don't know how I survived!!!
I had 2 boys who were sooo hyped it was unreal. But I made it! Now on with the night and getting prepared for the week. I just finished watching the program about the worlds largest woman to undergo gastric bypass surgery. I was in tears to see that she passed after the surgery of a heart attack. After all she endured to reach where she was going her passing was untimely. The woman weighed over 900lbs. I can not imagine being that large. I almost hit 500lbs at my highest weight and then I was unable to perform basically anything. Being bed ridden would just have been to much for me to handle and yet I was so close to being there without realizing it. If you were to see the show it was just overwhelming to see someone getting that far gone and bed ridden that long. How I ask? How can someone allow themselves to reach the point they can not move? But I can not, nor dare not criticize because I was not to far from that point. Food is powerful! It plays a very powerful role in our lives. Without it we can not survive. With it you can lead a life of destruction. So where do you draw the line? That is a question I am still working on. My size comes from my addiction and eating disorder. I am learning it was not the amount of food I consumed but the timing and types of food I consumed. The saying what is eating you is ironic, because in my case it is truly the food that was eating me instead of I eat it. Food plays a comfort role in my life. Being there after heartaches and despair. Living thru the tears and the hurt. Calling me in moments of weakness and relapse. I learned my problem is "I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER!" I did not like to admit it at first. Embarrassed and ashamed how people would perceive me and my problem I hid it. No frankly, and I do speak frankly, I could care less who knows! As long as I can own up to my addiction and learn to control my emotions and eating I know it will be a great recovery from a destructive behavior. Admitting you have the problem is the first step. Then next step is acknowledging the problem is bigger than you. The next step is knowing you need to seek help because you can not do this alone! Then and only then can you work on recovering from your addiction or eating disorder. I found all of this too close for comfort at a meeting with my psych. doctor last month. I never ever classified myself as an emotional eater. After talking with her and seeing the pattern in which I was speaking. She repeated the things I was saying I could clearly see that I had the very problem in which I consider myself from being immune to. How ironic is that? My family kept saying to me I don't know why you are so big. We never see you eat. No they didn't ever see me eat. After my marriage failed I turned to food for comfort. Not in a sense you think an obese woman would though. Gorging and just going off the deep end...No I did the opposite. I starved myself because "I wasn't thin enough." I lost about 30lbs in 3weeks. After I gave up and turned to food in yet another way I gained 75lbs! Doubling everything I got rid of. I would go to work and then come home and shower. After the shower spend time with my son. After my son then I would eat dinner which usually was about 10pm to 11pm. So I would eat then go straight to bed! No movement, no nothing! So all the calories never burned off they would just deposit themselves into the already large body I have. I killed my metabolism! Leading me to balloon to a large 481 lbs.
Now at 416lbs I feel hopeful! I feel full of energy! Ability to do more! My mobility has increased 100%. Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near where I need to be but I know I am well on my way! This time no failure, no tears(Except those of joy) No late night dinners. No going straight to bed. No more! no more! Never again!
I refuse to be that 481lb woman watching my son grow up on the side line. I refuse to be that "pretty face" people see. I refuse to be that woman kid stare at the grocery store because of my size! I refuse to be the snide remarks the thin girls make when shopping for clothes! I refuse to stop living and stop breathing! I will not die! I will live!
I will walk! I will count calories! I will have a healthy relationship with my food. I will enjoy shopping for clothes! I will be able to walk the entire mile around the park! I will be!
When my cousin Lisa passed she embedded in me the will to not ever give in. I saw myself in her coffin. She passed this past holiday season. My age of breast cancer. I will not let my weight be the reason they can not treat my cancer. I will not be a victim to this beast cancer! Nor the beast (like Ruby calls it) weight. I will overcome and triumph! Those who have walked a mile in my shoes know how it is to struggle day by day with your weight. Those on our journey know how important it is to constantly be reminded of what we have to gain and everything we stand to lose if we do not do anything! Please people who read this if any, get those shoes on get moving. Get your menus planned. Count the calories! Burn more than you take in. You can do this! If Ruby can, if I am doing it, if many others have. Why not you? We are all alike in this aspect! So please I beg of you...let's do this together! Let's not be the 900lb person stuck in their house or bed ridden. If you are that person incapable of moving ask for help! Don't take no for an answer! Keep asking until someone hears your pleas! IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just got back from the new oncologist. Funny thing he referred me back to my old one! Why do I seem to be getting the running around kind of doctors? M.D.Anderson is the best cancer facility in in the cancer business I have no doubt. However my insurance made me change doctors and this doctor just found a loophole to send me right back to here I was to begin with. How ironic is that? So I guess after raking my brains and find this new one it was a waste of my time and theirs. Any how on with the day. I weighed in again today and lost 2lbs from yesterday. I thought that was weird because I ate well yesterday and did the normal exercise. Went to bed early. I will still take it though 2lbs are 2lbs! That puts me 18lbs till I reach the weight I set for myself before my surgery! They wanted me to lose 30lbs. I've done that! I added an extra 30lbs for my personal self goal. So I am feeling pretty content with myself. Not to mention that I still have 2more months to do this in! Attainable! For me nothing isn't! I will give my all and do the best. I have decided to step it up a notch for the fitness part. I have comcast and get fit TV and they have some pretty good programs on their to help work you out. So I have decided that since my doctors appointments will soon slow down, I will commit myself to doing at least 1 program, every other day! Between that and the water aerobics and the walking should see the pounds roll off before surgery.
Every time I talk about my surgery I feel nervous and anxious. Nervous that all turn out well. Anxious to get things moving! I want this part of my life to be over with! People who know me well ask me ho I feel about the surgery now that it is nearing. I reply saying I feel good about my decision to go thru with it. Then there are those who think I am solely doing it for cosmetic reasons and should not do it. To them I say" Trying putting on a body suit with the amount of weight I carry everyday tied to it. Go about your daily activities for one day...and see how it feels to be me and then tell me I am doing it for cosmetic reasons!" No baby, I am not doing this to look sexy or be beautiful! I have always had my own sex appeal. I have always been beautiful! Now I want to be healthy! Nothing more and nothing less.
I have a relative who when I see her is obese as well, not as much as I am but she is up there too. She tells me I am cheating. Doing this the easy way...Let me say this!!
There is no easy way! Your way or mine, it is still a life long struggle and journey!
No matter how we get to where we need to be it is all relative! We are on the same journey! We are both going to be make life changing lifestyles and eating habits. So no I am not cheating. If you walk in my shoes and know that I do not have the time or luxury of doing this like you call"the right way" you would understand me better!
Well I need to get going to get the boys! So until next blog put on your shoes, lace them up and getting moving! Don't stay glued to your chair or computer!}:)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Got back from the doc and already had dinner resting from the day and reflecting. I lost another 3 lbs. As I look at the numbers they are starting to mean something. Shrinking back the numbers and see the waist starting to form again. My cheeks bones are starting to show again! Not just the fat chipmunk cheeks I had. The multiple necks are dissipating. The overall feeling increase to satisfaction, content! I still have a long way to go and know that the battle still rages on. But the I feel of joy not sorrow in my daily activities. I use to just want to sleep and pass the day sitting doing absolutely nothing! Now I am full of desire to participate and become engaged in all the activities that surround me! If I am capable physically to perform the task then I jump into it wholeheartedly without hesitation. If I find the task to be difficult I still jump into it but....I do it with precaution and care. None the less at the end of the day I am pooped and ready to fall into bed!
The amazing thing is that I still wake up with energy! That never happened before.
I find this new life I am starting to live invigorating and fun!
Well all I really need to do now is really work on the food aspect of my life. I want to learn to have a healthy relationship with my food. Not just gorge or feed myself. It is kind of funny I say that because it reminds me of what my dietitian said to me once....You have to see your relationship with food as a love affair. However bizarre it may sound it is true. If you live to eat it is like you live only in seclusion with your food not sharing yourself to the rest of the world. Being alone with just your food can be unhealthy for you. You become obsessive and possessive....(just like in a unhealthy relationship.) Hoever if your cheat on your food, become the dirty lil mistress and share your self only some of the time you can learn when enough is enough. (she referred this to a married man and many women.) Does just belong to one and not obsessing on just the food. Isolation in any environment can be just as damaging to your diet a a solid love affair with it too. If you do not get out see people and talk to others you lose your self perception and do not realize how large you have become. Out in the public we are constantly criticized for our large nature and round forms. In solitude we develop a mental picture of ourselves and say we still look ok. When in reality e do not! Come on people be the dirty mistress to your food! Don't dwell and cheat on it! Go have a love affair with physical activity and fun! I know I am enjoying my love affair!:)
Getting ready to head out the door to go see the cardiologist. Hope it is good news. I get closer and closer to my surgery date and feel the nerves just building! It feels like a coke hen you shake it up ready to explode! That's how I feel inside!I am ready for a major change in life and health! I hate being home! Stuck doing the same mundane things day in and day! I am a people person and miss working in the public! Don't get me wrong I am not complaining about my life...just the same activities I repeat! I don't take none of them for granted. As for I use to not be able to do most of them. Now I can! So gratitude is a very large part of my life now.
A very close friend of mine became involved with someone recently. It sparked this person to make changes in their lives as well, but my question is this?
Why must you wait till that significant other comes along to make a change? Why not do it for yourself? The reward for this would be greater don't you think?
I personally am on a selfish journey to a healthier me! It is for me! So I may live longer, perform as a citizen better, and be a better mother to my child. My child is a funny little man! He just celebrated his 9th birthday on this past Saturday and he had fun. The thing that makes me laugh is now that he is 9, he thinks he is too cool for public affection from me. It never bothered him before...why now? Boys...Who understands them. I love even more than when I first held him! Looking at him is inspiration enough for me to battle out all this and triumph at the end!
I found a website that can help people with suggestions to a healthy diet and lifestyle. It is called Spark people. If you go under google and type on calorie counters it should pop up. It has fitness suggestions, meal suggestions and even helps you track your caloric intake to caloric burn. I found it to be a help lil tool. Maybe someone else would like to go on and try it or not whatever works for you.
I missed 2 classes of swimming (aerobics) and missed a day of walking last week. This week I am doing very well thus far! Can't wait till summer vacation starts for my son! We will get to be out and about more often. I know this will help me to burn more calories and get in more fitness. So with that I must say till later I am off to the doctors to see how my progress is coming. Tell you later...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today I am physically drained!
I am having a very bad day physically. I have done so much today and now I am super tired. I forget that my illness drain me. I want to do so much more than I can. I am getting my mobility back now more than ever and able to do things normal people take for granted with great pride and joy. The downfall is that I am tired at the end of the day just falling into the bed! My knees become more and more in pain but I struggle thru it anyway knowing the end will justify the pain.
My food has been super today. I had my proteins shake for breakfast and a lean cuisine for lunch and a salad and chicken for dinner. Snacks included jello and pineapple chunks. So I think I did well. I see pictures of myself and see some progression to them. It makes me happy to see that I am getting my neckline and cheek structure back!:) Haven't seen them a years!:) So everything is well. I spoke with my brother yesterday and got good news about his cancer. They have caught it early and can remove it. It has not gone into his bone marrow. which is wonderful! Well running short on time and lots to say so I will blog early in the morning. Till then sweet dreams!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I have been a busy beaver!
Yesterday turned out ok! My son's party was moved to Incredible pizza instead of chuck e cheese. It was a buffet place. I didn't get to eat before I left to the party and am surprised to say I didn't stuff my face! I had a buffet plate with almost all veggies. Yes veggies. I had salad,(no dressing just lemon) green beans, 1slice of veggie pizza and a jello for dessert. No cake! So I feel pretty good about the day. Today however was a different thing entirely! I had the munchies for some reason! I ate 250 cals over my cal count. But I walked longer to burn it off. I know it doesn't justify my eating but I am only human! I have my faults like everyone else! I can not beat myself up over it!
I think I know what triggered this eating. I got bad news on Friday. My brother was diagnosed with cancer as well. They are running test to see what extent the cancer has gone but I still feel for him. My emotions triggered an eating spree. I have to find a way to control this matter because if I don't I will never win my battle with weight.
I took the leftover cake to my parents house so they could have it. Do not need temptation in my house! Any how it is late and I must get my son into the shower and ready for bed. He has school tomorrow! I have a doctor's appointment. They are a way of life for me now a days. I can't wait till this is all over and I have my final surgery for the cancer and am thru with all of this!!!! That will be the greatest day of my life! So till tomorrow....Have a blessed night!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sorry people I haven't been keeping up my blog lately. Today is a very special day for me! Today is my baby's 9th birthday! I will be taking him to chuck e. cheese. (a pizza place for kids) I will not however be eating the pizza. I will eat before I leave. My week as a roller coaster ride for me. Having my good days and then my bad. Most of the week I would have to generalize as kind of bad. I as having an episode of divarticular disease. (diverticulitis) Those who suffer from this knows if it goes full blown you end up in the hospital for about 4 -5 days. I have had the disease for about 4yrs now. Out of those 4 yrs. only hospitalized 3times. You can control it! It is just like a severe stomach virus only 10x worse. You vomit and have a permanent case of toilet hugging and sitting until it is over. Any who I seem to be finally getting over it and am glad with a capital G! It probably made me lose like 5lbs this week.(haha)
Going back to my journey with weight loss....Been going to water aerobics and it is fun but you can feel it when you get out of the water. Sorry just got company will have to come back to finish.....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today has been full of trials for me.
Yesterday my parents had a bar-b-que and had some yummy food! The good thing was that they were considerate enough to include healthy things as well! I ate the good stuff(good for me) and left the rest. But today was another story! I was late getting up. I don't know why I heard the alarm but just couldn't manage enough strength to get up on time. So I have no one to blame but myself. Getting back to the point...Being late threw my schedule in a flurry. I didn't have time to make my protein shake or have yogurt. When I got to the doctors I was already hungry. I saw the doc and stayed for about 1hr. Leaving I was famished! So it was easy for me to stop at the cafeteria and have a bagel with cream cheese. CREAM CHEESE PEOPLE!!! I ate it like there was no tomorrow. When I finished I left. Got to my dad's house to pick up my nephew and was finding myself still hungry. Man I haven't been like this in about 4 months now. Well to make a long story short went home and cooked lunch. Which seemed to me like dinner. After that I left to pick up my son and drop off my nephew. Came home again and ate again! Not alot, but none the less ate. Now I am craving ice cream. My weakness!! Good thing there isn't any in my home! I'm tired so feel lazy to go out and get any. At least I know I won't fail in that aspect.
Just by not having one meal my whole diet plan for the day was thrown for a loop! It is very important to eat breakfast! It really does fuel your day.I can not believe myself as I add all the calories for the day. I am over by 300calories. That is alot for me. I'm praying that tomorrow is a better day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Starting another glorious weekend! Yesterday was not a good food day for me. I ate ice cream!!! My weakness!!! My son brought me some home from being with his dad and I just couldn't resist it. After I ate it, it bothered me! I have done so well thus far and I didn't want to beat myself from eating just one little ice cream cone. So I moved on not dwelling on it anymore. What done is done. I will just try not repeat this over and over. That is the difference in now and then for me people. Then I would have kept eating more ice cream and not thought twice about it. Now when I eat it I feel remorse, not wanting to repeat my past mistakes. My dieting is the same. I have kept in schedule with the tip I learned from the biggest loser. I keep changing the order in which my meals are heaviest. I usually start my days with a protein shake. Sometimes I change it to eat oatmeal, and sometimes I have yogurt with berries. Other times I have a yummy fiber cereal. So when it comes to lunch I usually have a chicken salad or some kind of salad. Dinner usually consist of 4-5oz of a lean meat (my prefer meat is chicken or turkey) and veggies. I stay completely away from pasta and rice. Anything processed or already made. I like to control how much sodium is in the food and what spices are in there. So sometimes instead of eating the salad I eat the heavy meal at lunch and a light dinner or vise versa. Keeping the order of the meals moving around confuse my body and doesn't allow it to turn on it's defense mode. I have learned alot from alot of different people and have applied them to my life and journey in weight loss. Some work for me some do not. I am grateful to everyone anyhow for sharing all their stories and success. Without everyone I probably wouldn't have come this far. I have learned though that movement is the key to weight loss. The more you exercise the more your body burns! Move people even if it is 5 minutes at a time. Something I better than nothing!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello again! I have some time to reflect today and I wanted to share with you something that was bothering me. I can never understand why people feel the need to stare. A glance is ok, even a look...but a stare? Do you know what that does to person who's self image is not what they want it to be? I went to do laundry on Sunday with my mother at the local laundry place. I got there before she did and began to load my clothes into a machine. I could literally feel someone staring at me. I turn to see this lady and man just staring at me. So I turn back around hoping my mom would get there soon. As I continued to load the machine I felt very uncomfortable. I finished and then sat down close to where the lady and man were sitting. As I sit I see them turn and look at me again. I could not stand it any longer! I don't understand why it bothered me so much,but just something about the way they looked at me...it felt like they were criticizing me. Just then my mom walked in and I began to help her too. She immediately noticed that I was uncomfortable and as me what was wrong. I replied nothing and continued with the loading. When we finished we sat down and began to talk. Then she told me that she had had enough. I ask her of what and just about that time she stood up and walked over to the lady and man. I felt like shrinking! She asked them if they had a problem or did they know me. They answer her no and got up to move. Make a long story short my mother walked by them and heard them criticizing me for my size. How sad! How can see me and only see my size? It makes me sad! People can be so ignorant! How would you feel if I just saw you as being thin or being ugly or being poor or being too rich? How would that feel?
Anyway I finished laundry and came home and guess what I did? Instead of eating.....
I began to look thru old photo albums. Looking back to how I use to look and how far I've come. Don't ever let people like that discourage you! I have battled for five months going on six now. I've lost a total of 62lbs in that time. I have accomplished mobility goals I have set for myself! I have surpassed my doctor's goal for weight loss. So you better believe I am proud of myself! Instead of falling back into my old routine of hiding somewhere and crying. I have once again chosen to face head on the many obstacles that I come into contact with!
Changing the pattern and behavior changes our eating habits and our mentality to food. I've learned to treat my food very differently. There are certain food that I can not keep at home because they are my weakness. These foods I treat as if they were drugs. I say no! Can't have it, won't do it! By not putting myself in the situation to begin with I am saving myself from failure! Indulging in a treat every now and again is another trick I use to not fall back into the old habit of eating incorrectly. Just remember though we still count the calories and watch the portion sizes! I find it hard to get in all the required daily protein into my diet. However when I went to the doc she gave me some tips. In the am eat p.b on your toast if you have toast.(1tsp) eat a boiled egg for snack between lunch and breakfast & incorporate protein into you lunch meal (whether it be meat,fish,or egg.) try another protein source during mid snack (protein bar or shake) then your dinner. I have tried it and find I just can not seem to remember all that protein! I will keep working at it!
I also read that people who are dieting and do not drink some kind of milk or milk products tend to lose less weight than those who did. I personally have always consumed some type of milk product in the am. I make myself a protein shake or fruit smoothie out of skim milk in the morning. A delicious way to start the day! Anyway getting back to what I was reading... they say it is found to be true due to vitamin d deficiency. If you are vitamin deficient (believe it or not most of us are)your body tend to absorb more fat. I didn't write it people! I just read it and thought I'd share. Drink your milk or yogurt! It seems like milk really does the body good!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

YEA 4 me!!! That's how I feel!
I went to the doctor yesterday and guess what? I lost another 11.5 lbs! Since being my heaviest in life that is a 69lb decrease! I type it in and can't believe it still!!! Since my weight loss began (medically supervise) I have lost a total of 56lbs. In a 4 month period. I say personally that is great! Realistically I am suppose to lose 5lbs a month. I have surpassed that already. I will never a again be that lady I was. In my journey I have learned so many things about myself that I will never be the same. I refuse to be the same Rebeca. I am changing for the best. I now have been to two of the medical "weight watchers classes" from the doctors I have been seeing. Honestly I find it not to be that informative. I am one who ask a million and one questions and then some! When they ask me did I have questions I did. Guess what people, she didn't have all the answers. I'm sorry! When it is your job to advise and guide people in their journeys please do so! The blind leading the blind will get me nowhere! So I have decided just to join the regular weight watchers program. I have found a group by my home. I just hope they do a better job then the other people did. Is it maybe I have high expectations. IDK! I am a sponge right now! Learning and absorbing all the info I can so I can see what works for me and what doesn't. The biggest loser tip sure paid off for me! I changed it up! Meals always being different in size and food choices. I even allowed myself a day to eat what I wanted. Of course in moderation, but none the less I did enjoy!
My emotional issues are still being addressed and I am working thru them. Some stem from childhood and the majority are from adulthood. Making poor choices in life creates a mess of chaos to clean up later people! So please be wise in the choices you make when you make them.
I am no longer that confused young adult making poor choices, but the few poor choice I did make had large repercussions. I ask my family all the time what they thought of me and the decisions I made in life. Their answer didn't surprise me at all. My parents were somewhat disappointed on the road I traveled. My brothers said they felt ok overall about how I turned out. My sisters however, another story for another time. I only speak to one of my sisters. The other one has issues of her own she needs to work out. None the less I love them both. So with all that in mind decided to really analyze my life and the things I really enjoyed and the things that just really upset me. I found out man did I have issues!:)
Having a rough childhood I feel set me on the road that spiraled out of control. If I sat here and confessed everything I did as a child we would be here for years people. I gave my step mom hell! I felt like she was taking the place of my mother and I didn't like that at all. Today I can honestly say that I don't feel that way about my "mom." I call her my mom because she is my mother. I finally met my biological mother as a young adult and that is here my emotional issues stem from. I will go more into that at another time....
How all this relates to weight loss and food addiction and food related issues????
Due to the relationship I had with my "mom" I learned to eat to comfort myself. After blaming her, I have one thing to say...It wasn't her but me. Me with the anger, me with food and me with all the other issues at hand! Mom if you are reading I am sorry for all the hell I gave you as a child! For all the blame I placed in you, when in reality it was me!
I am a blessed person because of your tough love! Thank you for standing by me when no one else did! Thanks especially for being there for me thru this journey of weight loss and my battle with cancer! Your the best!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yesterday was a very great day for me! Personally the best and I got to see loved ones I have seen since I was maybe 15-16yrs. old. My cousin Trinidad Andrade got married yesterday by church. I was so awed how beautiful she was! I almost got into the "oh I wish I could get married again stage" then I snapped out of it! What in the world was I thinking! I was proud of myself for many reasons yesterday. #1 being I bought myself a new dress for the wedding and it was a size smaller than I normally wear. #2 I didn't eat any cake!!! Yea for me! #3 I actually didn't eat all of the food they served. Only eating what I knew was good for me. I had fun to say the least.
My week was a fun week with my kid and family. Full of goings and coming! I don't even take the small things for granted anymore. I look forward to even the most simple drive to the store. Some people find this to be a chore,I however don't. I go for a weigh-in tomorrow and to be honest am a little nervous. I know there was one day in particular this week I had to me what seemed like a bad food day. But I think we all do have those times! The difference is knowing that it was a bad day and going on as if it didn't happen. Not dwelling on the negativity of a bad helps us get thru them. If you stay stuck in it your are surely setting yourself up for failure! So let get thru all the bad days together and at the end come out smiling!