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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Got back from the doc and already had dinner resting from the day and reflecting. I lost another 3 lbs. As I look at the numbers they are starting to mean something. Shrinking back the numbers and see the waist starting to form again. My cheeks bones are starting to show again! Not just the fat chipmunk cheeks I had. The multiple necks are dissipating. The overall feeling increase to satisfaction, content! I still have a long way to go and know that the battle still rages on. But the I feel of joy not sorrow in my daily activities. I use to just want to sleep and pass the day sitting doing absolutely nothing! Now I am full of desire to participate and become engaged in all the activities that surround me! If I am capable physically to perform the task then I jump into it wholeheartedly without hesitation. If I find the task to be difficult I still jump into it but....I do it with precaution and care. None the less at the end of the day I am pooped and ready to fall into bed!
The amazing thing is that I still wake up with energy! That never happened before.
I find this new life I am starting to live invigorating and fun!
Well all I really need to do now is really work on the food aspect of my life. I want to learn to have a healthy relationship with my food. Not just gorge or feed myself. It is kind of funny I say that because it reminds me of what my dietitian said to me once....You have to see your relationship with food as a love affair. However bizarre it may sound it is true. If you live to eat it is like you live only in seclusion with your food not sharing yourself to the rest of the world. Being alone with just your food can be unhealthy for you. You become obsessive and possessive....(just like in a unhealthy relationship.) Hoever if your cheat on your food, become the dirty lil mistress and share your self only some of the time you can learn when enough is enough. (she referred this to a married man and many women.) Does just belong to one and not obsessing on just the food. Isolation in any environment can be just as damaging to your diet a a solid love affair with it too. If you do not get out see people and talk to others you lose your self perception and do not realize how large you have become. Out in the public we are constantly criticized for our large nature and round forms. In solitude we develop a mental picture of ourselves and say we still look ok. When in reality e do not! Come on people be the dirty mistress to your food! Don't dwell and cheat on it! Go have a love affair with physical activity and fun! I know I am enjoying my love affair!:)

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