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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just got back from the new oncologist. Funny thing he referred me back to my old one! Why do I seem to be getting the running around kind of doctors? M.D.Anderson is the best cancer facility in in the cancer business I have no doubt. However my insurance made me change doctors and this doctor just found a loophole to send me right back to here I was to begin with. How ironic is that? So I guess after raking my brains and find this new one it was a waste of my time and theirs. Any how on with the day. I weighed in again today and lost 2lbs from yesterday. I thought that was weird because I ate well yesterday and did the normal exercise. Went to bed early. I will still take it though 2lbs are 2lbs! That puts me 18lbs till I reach the weight I set for myself before my surgery! They wanted me to lose 30lbs. I've done that! I added an extra 30lbs for my personal self goal. So I am feeling pretty content with myself. Not to mention that I still have 2more months to do this in! Attainable! For me nothing isn't! I will give my all and do the best. I have decided to step it up a notch for the fitness part. I have comcast and get fit TV and they have some pretty good programs on their to help work you out. So I have decided that since my doctors appointments will soon slow down, I will commit myself to doing at least 1 program, every other day! Between that and the water aerobics and the walking should see the pounds roll off before surgery.
Every time I talk about my surgery I feel nervous and anxious. Nervous that all turn out well. Anxious to get things moving! I want this part of my life to be over with! People who know me well ask me ho I feel about the surgery now that it is nearing. I reply saying I feel good about my decision to go thru with it. Then there are those who think I am solely doing it for cosmetic reasons and should not do it. To them I say" Trying putting on a body suit with the amount of weight I carry everyday tied to it. Go about your daily activities for one day...and see how it feels to be me and then tell me I am doing it for cosmetic reasons!" No baby, I am not doing this to look sexy or be beautiful! I have always had my own sex appeal. I have always been beautiful! Now I want to be healthy! Nothing more and nothing less.
I have a relative who when I see her is obese as well, not as much as I am but she is up there too. She tells me I am cheating. Doing this the easy way...Let me say this!!
There is no easy way! Your way or mine, it is still a life long struggle and journey!
No matter how we get to where we need to be it is all relative! We are on the same journey! We are both going to be make life changing lifestyles and eating habits. So no I am not cheating. If you walk in my shoes and know that I do not have the time or luxury of doing this like you call"the right way" you would understand me better!
Well I need to get going to get the boys! So until next blog put on your shoes, lace them up and getting moving! Don't stay glued to your chair or computer!}:)

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