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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello again! I have some time to reflect today and I wanted to share with you something that was bothering me. I can never understand why people feel the need to stare. A glance is ok, even a look...but a stare? Do you know what that does to person who's self image is not what they want it to be? I went to do laundry on Sunday with my mother at the local laundry place. I got there before she did and began to load my clothes into a machine. I could literally feel someone staring at me. I turn to see this lady and man just staring at me. So I turn back around hoping my mom would get there soon. As I continued to load the machine I felt very uncomfortable. I finished and then sat down close to where the lady and man were sitting. As I sit I see them turn and look at me again. I could not stand it any longer! I don't understand why it bothered me so much,but just something about the way they looked at me...it felt like they were criticizing me. Just then my mom walked in and I began to help her too. She immediately noticed that I was uncomfortable and as me what was wrong. I replied nothing and continued with the loading. When we finished we sat down and began to talk. Then she told me that she had had enough. I ask her of what and just about that time she stood up and walked over to the lady and man. I felt like shrinking! She asked them if they had a problem or did they know me. They answer her no and got up to move. Make a long story short my mother walked by them and heard them criticizing me for my size. How sad! How can see me and only see my size? It makes me sad! People can be so ignorant! How would you feel if I just saw you as being thin or being ugly or being poor or being too rich? How would that feel?
Anyway I finished laundry and came home and guess what I did? Instead of eating.....
I began to look thru old photo albums. Looking back to how I use to look and how far I've come. Don't ever let people like that discourage you! I have battled for five months going on six now. I've lost a total of 62lbs in that time. I have accomplished mobility goals I have set for myself! I have surpassed my doctor's goal for weight loss. So you better believe I am proud of myself! Instead of falling back into my old routine of hiding somewhere and crying. I have once again chosen to face head on the many obstacles that I come into contact with!
Changing the pattern and behavior changes our eating habits and our mentality to food. I've learned to treat my food very differently. There are certain food that I can not keep at home because they are my weakness. These foods I treat as if they were drugs. I say no! Can't have it, won't do it! By not putting myself in the situation to begin with I am saving myself from failure! Indulging in a treat every now and again is another trick I use to not fall back into the old habit of eating incorrectly. Just remember though we still count the calories and watch the portion sizes! I find it hard to get in all the required daily protein into my diet. However when I went to the doc she gave me some tips. In the am eat p.b on your toast if you have toast.(1tsp) eat a boiled egg for snack between lunch and breakfast & incorporate protein into you lunch meal (whether it be meat,fish,or egg.) try another protein source during mid snack (protein bar or shake) then your dinner. I have tried it and find I just can not seem to remember all that protein! I will keep working at it!
I also read that people who are dieting and do not drink some kind of milk or milk products tend to lose less weight than those who did. I personally have always consumed some type of milk product in the am. I make myself a protein shake or fruit smoothie out of skim milk in the morning. A delicious way to start the day! Anyway getting back to what I was reading... they say it is found to be true due to vitamin d deficiency. If you are vitamin deficient (believe it or not most of us are)your body tend to absorb more fat. I didn't write it people! I just read it and thought I'd share. Drink your milk or yogurt! It seems like milk really does the body good!

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