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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

YEA 4 me!!! That's how I feel!
I went to the doctor yesterday and guess what? I lost another 11.5 lbs! Since being my heaviest in life that is a 69lb decrease! I type it in and can't believe it still!!! Since my weight loss began (medically supervise) I have lost a total of 56lbs. In a 4 month period. I say personally that is great! Realistically I am suppose to lose 5lbs a month. I have surpassed that already. I will never a again be that lady I was. In my journey I have learned so many things about myself that I will never be the same. I refuse to be the same Rebeca. I am changing for the best. I now have been to two of the medical "weight watchers classes" from the doctors I have been seeing. Honestly I find it not to be that informative. I am one who ask a million and one questions and then some! When they ask me did I have questions I did. Guess what people, she didn't have all the answers. I'm sorry! When it is your job to advise and guide people in their journeys please do so! The blind leading the blind will get me nowhere! So I have decided just to join the regular weight watchers program. I have found a group by my home. I just hope they do a better job then the other people did. Is it maybe I have high expectations. IDK! I am a sponge right now! Learning and absorbing all the info I can so I can see what works for me and what doesn't. The biggest loser tip sure paid off for me! I changed it up! Meals always being different in size and food choices. I even allowed myself a day to eat what I wanted. Of course in moderation, but none the less I did enjoy!
My emotional issues are still being addressed and I am working thru them. Some stem from childhood and the majority are from adulthood. Making poor choices in life creates a mess of chaos to clean up later people! So please be wise in the choices you make when you make them.
I am no longer that confused young adult making poor choices, but the few poor choice I did make had large repercussions. I ask my family all the time what they thought of me and the decisions I made in life. Their answer didn't surprise me at all. My parents were somewhat disappointed on the road I traveled. My brothers said they felt ok overall about how I turned out. My sisters however, another story for another time. I only speak to one of my sisters. The other one has issues of her own she needs to work out. None the less I love them both. So with all that in mind decided to really analyze my life and the things I really enjoyed and the things that just really upset me. I found out man did I have issues!:)
Having a rough childhood I feel set me on the road that spiraled out of control. If I sat here and confessed everything I did as a child we would be here for years people. I gave my step mom hell! I felt like she was taking the place of my mother and I didn't like that at all. Today I can honestly say that I don't feel that way about my "mom." I call her my mom because she is my mother. I finally met my biological mother as a young adult and that is here my emotional issues stem from. I will go more into that at another time....
How all this relates to weight loss and food addiction and food related issues????
Due to the relationship I had with my "mom" I learned to eat to comfort myself. After blaming her, I have one thing to say...It wasn't her but me. Me with the anger, me with food and me with all the other issues at hand! Mom if you are reading I am sorry for all the hell I gave you as a child! For all the blame I placed in you, when in reality it was me!
I am a blessed person because of your tough love! Thank you for standing by me when no one else did! Thanks especially for being there for me thru this journey of weight loss and my battle with cancer! Your the best!!!!

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