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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good morning everyone! As I sit here typing this out to you I was remeinded of why I write my blog! Someone made a snide remark to me and told me what did I think I was accomplishing by writing a blog noone follows? My response to that is....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I am not here to accomplish something, I am here to remind myself of what I have been thru. How not to repeat those same mistake! If someone happens onto my blog and chooses to follow (or not)that is great! If they can take from me and apply it to them,that's great! If they can see my mistakes and avoid them, that's great! Then I feel great about creating this blog,but that wasn't my intent of this. I am not a doctor, nor any kind of professional trying to give advice. I am a OBESE woman trying to live in a thin man's world. I am trying to learn a new healthier lifestyle. I am trying to become the healther version of me! I am not giving anyone diet secrets or anything like that! If I knew them do you think I would look the way I do? I am learning people just like you! The only difference in me and the persons who make those remarks is, that I like to share my personal experience and journeys. So that if it works someone else can do it just like I am! So call it what you will people but this blog is for selfish reasoning! With that being said I feel better now! I read some people's blogs and info online and see that is always some kind of catch to them or gimmick. At the end of their testominals they try to sell you something they have created....NOT ME!
This is just me like said before raw,natural and uncut! Thank you if you do read this and I hope it does help in some ways. I know when I read other peoples journeys I learn from them and apply it to my own personal experiences. I have come a long way and yet the journey hasn't really begun yet.
I have so much to do today and yet I sit here with all the calm in the world! I'm in no rush. It will be there later too. I have learned from my illness not to be in such a haste. Relax and slow down! Enjoy life's little things, simple things that other people take for granted. I use to be in a hurry to get everywhere. Now I am not. The same terms I am coming with food. I use to sit and eat dinner watching t.v. Not anymore!!!!!
We turn off the t.v. and sit together while eating dinner. I've learned to enjoy chewing my food to savor the flavor,instead of just eat it! I am in progress people! I'm loving the new me! My new habits are refreshing and they make me feel more alive now then I have ever been! Can't wait to see what they day holds for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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