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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Friday, April 23, 2010

OMG!!!! Today I reached a milestone for myself! I have reached my pre-surgery goal! I've lost a total of 58 lbs people! You don't know how proud of myself I am! It feels good and I want it to continue. This feeling is like a drug! I wish I could bottle up this emotion and sell it to everyone. That way they know exactly how it feels to be truly happy! The sweat, hard work, and classes are paying off! I know this will be the last time I will ever be this heavy in my life! That happy fat girl is going bye-bye people! The new me is coming into season and staying from now on! Something interesting I learned today though. Change however scary it may seem can be a blessing in disguise. Remember I told you about my insurance problems? Well I just met what seem to me like the best doctor ever! Very attentive and very thorough. I had a very great first visit with her. Believe it or not, I wouldn't mind going back to see her if I had to. I can't say that about my other doctors. So I had a great day. You should have seen me when I go on the scale....At first I was very scared....then when I saw the numbers I started clapping for myself almost in tears and nurse began to laugh. She asked me why was I happy? I explained my weight with her and she commended me for the hard work. I thought to myself if you only truly knew. She was a beautiful thin lady, so how could she know?
I was watching the biggest loser episodes on demand that I had missed before yesterday night and learned quite a few tips from this program too. I am inspired by Michael who started the show at 529 and is now 3--?,but more amazing can RUN, YES RUN 5 miles on the treadmill. I think to myself if he can so can I! One of the tricks I learned from this show is they say to mix up your diet. Always counting calories is a must! However just because you are counting calories doesn't mean to always eat the same food or in the same manner. That is when your body begins to trigger it's defense mechanism to start storing fat. Instead change it up. One morning have a light breakfast and normal rest of day. One day make it your lunch that is light. Then try the dinner the next time. Always allow one day to eat one meal that you absolutely miss, but in moderation! Your body will always be guessing what your trying to do thus keeping the metabolism high. Not to mention that one day you get to eat your faves will make it less likely you ill slip from your diet because your allowing your taste buds to have something familiar and satisfying. I haven't tried that theory out yet,but I think I will! Another thing I've learned is to try to eat a high fiber breakfast so that it keeps you full longer thus eating less. You are less likely to crave or snack unhealthy things in between meals! I've done something crazy lately. This is my method of keeping myself full....when I think I am hungry between meals I've started carrying a small container of fruit pieces or veggies in it (like you did with your kids.) My purse is big enough to fit a small childproof container inside so I am fortunate enough to be able to do this. This trick plus always keeping water close to me keeps those craving at bay. Now as to the physical part...... that is another story for me. I am slowly increasing my physical activity! I've started to do (your gonna laugh) the program called sit and be fit, whenever I can. Plus the walking and I am looking into joining the local YMCA for a water aerobic class. My doctor suggested it today. I love swimming! I don't love being in a bathing suit but they are respectful to "big" people or so I'm told. So as I increase my mobility I am sure that my pounds will fall off! Until then let's work hard together!

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