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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have a few minutes as I sit here and write this....
I am so tired of drama! From family, from friends and especially from ex's! I live a very crazy life as it is! Why complicate things more? It is my opinion that people create drama just for negative attention. Let it go!!!! If God truly wanted that for you whatever the circumstance he would of made it yours. I was having a great day until someone decided to have a brain fart! People think before reacting! Rationalize your actions before it's out there. Then it might save you some embarrassment!Before had this situation happened to me I probably would have gone hid in some restaurant and eat. Now I can just laugh! No more stress for me! No more! You do what you got to do to make yourself noticed or felt loved. I'll keep my sanity and dignity! I am working my way thru my hardships now! Not eating thru them! No one has control over me like that no more! All I want to say is grow up! You don't hurt no one but yourself!

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