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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday April 20,2010
Today was not a good day for me. I received a call in the morning from M.D.Anderson. The lady who was calling me was calling to cancel my appointment with them. I was thrown for a loop. At first I thought ok maybe the doc got sick but as our conversation continued she explained to me that the insurance that I have decided they were now considered "out of network." I've only been going to this hospital for a year now people! How can you sit there and decide one day without notice "oh, let's make this out of network now." You can't just do that! They did! Now I am faced to looking for a new oncologist and all other doctors that I was seeing at this wonderful facility. I spent all day looking for new doctors at a same facility so I wouldn't be driving around all of Houston. Challenging to say the least!! After a long day on the phone and Internet finally found what seems to be a good doctor with a great rep and affiliated to a great hospital. I'm tired! Not physically but mentally drained! Spending all day thinking that I would have to repeat alot of those test, just made my skin shiver! Maybe I need to see this in a positive manner instead of a negative one though. Maybe, just maybe the doctor I will see now can do something for me. As where the other one wanted to wait. I have lost quite a bit of weight since my first diagnoses. So maybe with a reevaluation I could be receiving treatment for my cancer sooner than I think. I could only pray so! I never lose my faith that it could be! I find myself looking into the mirror more often. No not to see how much I've lost...but to remind myself "girl you've come a long way and you still have a battle at hand!" Yesterdays temptation was enough to keep me motivated for quite some time now. Life here at home has changed a little too. My son and I seem to be making a new bond. We are very close now don't get me wrong,but our walks in the afternoons are a great tool for communication between us. I am learning so many things we wouldn't have shared before because I was stuck on the sofa watching t.v. Being physical definitely has it bonus! I've seen him lose a little belly fat as well. He was never obese, but he could have stood to lose like 10lbs. Now he has! Getting outside with me has helped us both! I am very pleased! Now if I could just get him to change his eating habits too...it would be a recipe for a very healthy adulthood! He loves his comfort foods(what kid doesn't?) I'd like to change the kind of food he calls his comfort food,but first I have to work on ME! Lead by example is what I always say and they will follow! Those who know my kid know that he really is the one true love of my life! That is why I push myself harder each day! So that I may live a healthier lifestyle and be able to do so much more with him. Our dream is to go traveling to the Caribbean and to Paris. At the current weight I am now I wouldn't even dream of stepping onto a plane. It would be too humiliating for me. So I wait and keep dreaming. With every pound I lose, with every inch that goes away our dream becomes clear and clearer.....until one day I know it will be our reality! Then I will surely blog to you from our vacation! With pictures so you can see us as well. Until then I sweat and work hard....

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