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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today is absolutely frustrating! I find it ironic that yesterday I used an analogy of a car working correctly in reference to dieting and then today my vehicle starts acting up! Talk about fate! Now I have to take it to a shop or let my little brother take a look at it.
That still didn't bother me as much I think as would in the past. I missed Ruby and biggest loser this week on t.v. However am grateful I did! I was outside moving around with my son and his buddies! So I didn't miss nothing! I love watching both programs don't get me wrong, but the exercise was much more rewarding than watching a t.v. show. I have now officially signed into my local YMCA! So yeah for me! I will be taking water aerobic classes and having the use of the facility gym! That to me is awesome! If nothing else happens I know for a fact that I will be walking indoors as well as out and now with the water aerobics....I hope to gain some strength and muscle back! I have also began this eek to implement the tip from the biggest loser about changing it up. I go for a weigh in on Monday! So wish me luck! We will see if that tip is true for anyone or just for the players on the ranch. I am amazed how every time I go for a weigh in it is a double digit loss! However, I don't weigh myself weekly like most of you do. I find it more rewarding to do it 2x a month.So in reality I am losing from 5-8lbs weekly. Which to me is still good! I'll take 1 pound! Anything is better than nothing at this point!:)
The dietitian I am seeing say that a normal weight loss expectancy of 5lbs a month is realistic. (You can lose 5 lbs lady! I want as much as it to come off as I can!) I push myself harder and harder each to week to accomplish new goals and set a higher standard for myself! It is becoming easier and easier to make the "right" choices in food as well as in activities! Still I am not convinced! People Rome wasn't built in a day! I can't just sit here and say it's easy peasy lemon pie! Because I'd be lying out my ass if I did! My weakness still include making good choice while away from my house and I still have to work on alot of personal issues that wait in the hallway as I come down this long corridor. So don't think because I blog and am positive that I have any secret answers or tricks! I am learning from you all! Which to me is the fun part of this journey! The highs and lows of weight loss can take it's toll on someone without a positive attitude to hold your hand thru it all. Smile people we've been thru worse.....Some of us more than others! Get your shoes on, grab a water bottle or drink and take 15 minutes from your busy life to get up and out! You will be so glad you did!

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