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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today's adventure lead me to the past!.....
That is how I want to start this blog today! Hello, today has been a very emotional day for me! I have cried more today than I have in the last five years put together! Believe me when I say that is a hell of alot of crying! I had an appointment today with the pschy. doc. It is part of a requirement for my bariatric surgery from my insurance. I had what seem to be an eye opening experience! I've learned that my eating habits were emotional! I already knew they were but, when you hear someone else tell you what they hear and see it puts a new perspective on things. This month has been full of roller coasters for me as well as my son! I mention him because all this affects him as much as it does me. My education to a healthier lifestyle is being implemented in my house so now our food choices have changed. The physical aspect of our lives have changed as well. Now I think we are working on the emotional. I have had many demons I had to face today in retrospect to my past relationships. How my first relationship failed because of alcoholism and infidelity, and how I never even gave my second relationship a try. I found the reasoning for this to me at the time to be rational,but it wasn't! This wonderful christian man stood before me with his heart in hand and all I could was runaway! Why you ask? I stood there asking myself the same question and for fear was my answer. One bad experience and illness closed me off from doing the right thing. I found that all this stuff was tied into my eating problem. It wasn't what I was eating,...rather what was eating me. Do you understand? I fed this problem for five years! I didn't indulge in large amounts of food as some people think fat people do. I just ate at the wrong times and the wrong kinds of food. Poor choices in life also meant poor choices in food! Now I reflect on all that I have been thru and the people who I hurt and who hurt me and I grew from the experience. I see my mistakes and my low points but, in the same I saw some high points too. Not all my past was filled with negativity. I had wonderful experiences along the way as well! Now reflecting I will learn not to repeat my mistake and to go another direction when I feel I have strayed off the beaten path. Food is a powerful thing people! I've learned that! It can be for some people as powerful as love! I am privileged to say it wasn't or will never be for me but, again everyone isn't then same. I feel like can full circle this month with myself. I've grown-up in a sense. That's hard to say when you are 37,however true it maybe! When on this road to a healthier person you see things and hear things and do things never imagined! I've gained so much thus far and yet I have so far to go!!!!!!!!!!!

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