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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Having a what would seem rather normal day! Yesterday seemed like it was a full moon in my house! Someone came by to visit and what started as a simple conversation soon turned into a heated debate. It was weird to say the least! I wasn't the one upset by the conversation it was the other person. Those who know me, know I am a very patient and laid back person. It would take quite a bit to make me mad or upset! Of course I vent every now and again, but who doesn't! I am learning that not all people who I am acquainted are thrilled by my weight loss. In fact, they see it as a threat to them. How could that be? I have no earthly idea! I am not superwoman or anything spectacular! I am just meager ole' me! So why anyone would see me or my weight loss a threat is beyond me. I am going in a direction which is clearly marked in sand! If you love me and respect me for who I am as a person then be happy for me! I am in this for health and longevity of life. Not to make myself look sexier or try to compete with anyone for a man. Honey if you only knew I am so over it! After my ex I'd rather just be BY MYSELF! My son is all the company I'll need for a long time to come! Yes I have gentlemen friends as well as lady friends but people they are just that friends! I don't have to answer to no one except GOD! I like this way. So why people would see me as a threat, I have no clue.
Getting past this incident, the night turned out to be rather nice and I went to bed early! Woke up like a new me! I went to a doctor today and was thrilled to see him take me off a medication. Yes people 1 gone and many more to go! My blood count still isn't where it needs to be and now my lymph nodes are acting up, but I am still blessed! I remember a time (not so long ago) when I could barely move around in my house. Not being very mobile brings a whole mess of problems with it! I was finding that even basic necessities were becoming a chore. I am glad and proud I can say that is no longer the case! I walked yesterday afternoon for 1hr! Yes people! "1hr" to me this is an accomplishment in it's self! I remember that it took me about 3 weeks just to tolerate only a 5minute walk. So I am proud of myself even if other are not! I am about to start a water aerobic class this coming week and am very excited to go.
On Monday I have a weigh in! I am looking forward to that too. I started the tip from the biggest loser about changing my food around. I am still keeping a journal and counting calories. So I haven't changed that. I have only changed the kinds of breakfast, lunch and dinners I have. One morning I have a protein shake and fruit,a normal lunch and dinner. The next day I have bran cereal or fiber cereal w/skim milk and a protein shake and fruit, with a normal dinner. The next day normal breakfast and lunch and a protein shake for dinner. I have protein shakes because I don't like them and I am trying to get adjusted to tasting them for prep for my surgery. That is why I incorporate them into my diet. So we will see if this tip paid off or not. I know I have lost more weight because I tried on a pair of jeans I had that didn't fit and now they do. I am just anxious to see how much! I would mind even if it were one pound! I am just happy to the little simple things I can do without help now! Things other people take for granted! They were hard task for me. Now they are becoming easier and easier! Like I told my psych doctor, "I refuse to be that 481lb lady I was in November and December! I will NOT GO BACK TO BEING THAT PERSON EVER!!!!"

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