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To be human means we make mistakes but, it takes a real person to own up to their mistakes and even a bigger person to learn from them and blossom!

About Me

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Pasadena, Texas, United States
I am just a simple, nice, big girl trying to survive in a world made for the thin! Living the snide remarks, the dirty looks, and the laughs of others without being offended or hurt! Thinking to myself "IF THEY COULD ONLY WALK IN MY SHOES FOR A MILE! tHEY WOULD GET IT!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday April 10,2010
Today was ok! Not the best day of my life thus far but not the wort one either! I went shopping for some fresh produce at the local HEB and was almost tempted to buy a cake fromt the bakery. My nephew was with me and for a moment there almost lost it! I could see my self reaching out to grab it and then i snapped! What was I buying a cake for? Just because it looked good? Just because it smelled good? Just because it was on sale? No people i didn't buy the darn cake! It mad me so mad at myself to think it could of been over in a few seconds and a purchase. I have to be on my best behavior i thought to myself and instead bought myself one of those protein chocolate bars. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all I have to say about those things! I can not see how anyone can eat those things. I'd rather starve than eat that! After we came back from the store I made myself some delicious fruit salad! That help take the sugar cravings away. I don't even want to call them cravings. That was just a second of weakness. We all have those moments and you'd be lying if you said you didn't. The difference is we knowing what to do if we do! I almost gave in to my weakness but I have faith that I can alway think before I react! I know one day at a time is all we can do!So that is all i do too... Nice and slow is the way to go!!!!!!

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